Hi this is Ann Merritt, John’s sister. Since nothing’s on this page so far, I decided to write a temporary profile for John.


John is the go-to guy when you or someone you know has a computer problem, because, let’s face it, none of us is as geeky as him. (I mean, computer literate!)

Growing up, he had a “ham radio,” and loved to listen to the news and weather on channels worldwide. (He even made recordings of himself on tape, playing the part of a newscaster.) Science was an early interest of his, supported by an encouraging grandmother, who gave him his first telescope. Soon he knew all about the planets, and his brothers and sisters joined him in watching meteor showers.

And, back in the days, one of his prized possessions was a Commodore 64. (That isn’t a type of plane, that’s a computer!) Of course, he liked to “program things” on his computer, but all we kids wanted to do was play games such as Donkey Kong or Jumpman Junior.

Several of his brothers are ‘following in his footsteps,’ and have, or will get degrees in computer science, like him. His brother Mark even works for him now! But John is one-of-a-kind in other ways. (I have to give him a hard time.)

When John goes, technology will go with him–which means I have to find a new computer. ;-)  John, you will be missed. But the void will be more than the missing DVD player and computer.

We’re happy for you and Alyse.
